Valkyries Fall


Your rank can either be increased by spending ingame currencies or by spending real money.  We strive to make everything available to everyone, regardless of spending money or not.

The higher rank you are, the more benefits you have! You gain 1 point for every diamond bought. This total does not include any bonus diamonds you receive.

Title Points Required Max Exp/Gold Bonus Beast Kill Limit
Thrall/Thrall 0 300%/300% 10
Commoner/Commoner 500 300%/300% 11
Karl/Karl 1,000 300%/300% 12
Skáld/Skáld 2,500 350%/350% 13
Drengr/Drengr 5,000 400%/400% 14
Hersir/Hersir 10,000 450%/450% 15
Ulfsark/Ulfsark 20,000 500%/500% 16
Huskarl/Shield Maiden 30,000 550%/550% 17
Thane/Frú 40,000 600%/600% 18
Hird/Fådigfruen 50,000 650%/650% 19
Lendr/Højfruen 60,000 700%/700% 20
Merkis/Ædelfruen 70,000 750%/750% 21
Jarl/Hertogaynja 80,000 800%/800% 22
Freyr/Freya 100,000 1,000%/1,000% 23
Konungr/Dróttning 150,000 1,500%/1,500% 24
Stórkonungr/Stór Dróttning 200,000 2,000%/1,500% 25
Lesser Æsir/Lesser Vanir 300,000 3,000%/1,750% 26
Æsir/Vanir 500,000 4,000%/2,000% 28